A recipe for running a hostel

We get asked all the time what it’s like to operate and work in a hostel.  So we thought the best option would be to give you a play-by-play on how we did/do it, so hopefully you come away with the best result if you decide to give it a go yourself.  *Word of...

Come to NZ with a SPRING in your step!

Ahh ‘Spring’ – you big, beautiful, blooming beast you.  Often overlooked for your colder and warmer counterparts in the form of Summer and Winter, you manage to stay off the radar as the preferred time of year for most tourists in most parts of the...

Down Days not Frown Days

With the weather being a little poor today (this does mean snow though, so we’re not too worried), it’s made us consider the age old question posed by everyone at some point when the weather is particularly crappy:  What the hell do we do today?...

The ‘must-haves’ for an epic ski-trip

We get almost as many ‘first-timers’ staying with us in Winter as experienced snow-sliders, and that first Winter trip can always be a little daunting when it comes to packing.  The seasonaires have their process down-pat, but if it’s your first time...

Winter Winter Winter Winter!!!!!

It’s official – we have started our slow march into Winter.  For the sticklers of you, you’ll say “but we’re always marching towards Winter if it’s not Winter, right?”, but for a variety of reasons it always feels more...