Things to see in Queenstown & the Whakatipu basin
Check out the photos in the gallery below to find out what’s in store for you! You’ll be forever blown away by the sheer beauty of our wider region, and this is just a taste of what’s in store.
We highly recommend to do some research before you arrive – it will make a huge difference to your understanding of what’s available, but also more specifically about how much time certain experiences might take (not to mention how long it might take you to get somewhere). Check out our tours + activities page for some inspiration, or feel free to contact us with some of your pressing questions.
You can fill your cup with adrenaline, or fill it with relaxation (or both!) – just whatever you do, make sure at some point that you slow down and breathe in your surroundings. Be present in your experience, and enjoy both the places and people around you during your time here. Don’t be put off by bad weather or disrupted travels – it might be your only opportunity to be here in your life, so make sure you grab your opportunity and run with it!
As always, feel free to look to our team for help, advice, or just a chat – we’re here to help you make the most of your experience!