Hiking in the South Island (PART 1)

Hiking in the South Island (PART 1)

Guest Blogger: Lucy Xu (Reception Manager) Nature and the mountains are calling out to you to explore! Our beautiful home of New Zealand offers an endless amount of jaw dropping scenery and there is just so much to explore. The diversity in the scenery here is...
Food, food, FOOD!

Food, food, FOOD!

We’re a little spoilt for choice in the food department here in Queenstown.  Whilst our permanent population sits at around 25000 people – a number you might expect would mean that we have maybe 5 restaurants to choose from – we actually have closer...
Cycling in Queenstown

Cycling in Queenstown

One of the finest ways of experiencing all that Queenstown has to offer is from a bicycle seat. Biking across the beautiful rugged regions surrounding Queenstown is a once in a lifetime holiday treat for lovers of the great outdoors. Explore the hidden remote areas...
A crazy li’l thing called love…

A crazy li’l thing called love…

Ahh love.  That feeling that can either lift you up into the heavens to keep company with the doves and butterflies (released earlier to celebrate your love), or put you down in the depths of despair with all the other love-less and downtrodden souls unlucky enough to...
A recipe for running a hostel

A recipe for running a hostel

We get asked all the time what it’s like to operate and work in a hostel.  So we thought the best option would be to give you a play-by-play on how we did/do it, so hopefully you come away with the best result if you decide to give it a go yourself.  *Word of...
Come to NZ with a SPRING in your step!

Come to NZ with a SPRING in your step!

Ahh ‘Spring’ – you big, beautiful, blooming beast you.  Often overlooked for your colder and warmer counterparts in the form of Summer and Winter, you manage to stay off the radar as the preferred time of year for most tourists in most parts of the...